Wednesday, February 13, 2008

33 weeks

Another week, another ultrasound. Just went for the ultrasound this week, did not get to see the doctor. Baby Chase was a champ again this time and got 8 out of 8 again.....and was very quick about it too! When they first started the ultrasound, he let out a big yawn! He did the practice breathing, all the movements, his HB was 162 and amniotic fluid levels were perfect. Look closely at the ultrasound will see he has his fingers in his mouth!

Things are better this week too, we are both feeling much better than last week and both back at work. Not much else going on around here. We have maternity pictures on Saturday and then are looking forward to having Monday off too!

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

32 weeks

Just one picture for this week. The tech said he was sticking out his upper lip in this one.....can't believe how real he looks. I almost feel like I know him already just from the latest pictures. He did great this time and passed his tests, 8 out of 8. Dr Claypool says everything continues to look good, so we are very happy!

Beth Stokes and I enjoyed some nice prenatal massages at Spa Shiki on Saturday. We had planned them back before Christmas and were so looking forward to them. It was very relaxing and a really nice place. We, of course, had to do some baby shopping afterwords too!

Famous and I are both sick this week, fortunately for me, it was only a sinus infection, but it made for a miserable couple of days. Famous started feeling bad on Tuesday and went to the dr on Wednesday and he has influenza. Luckily, he went quickly enough that they were able to give him something for it. He is feeling a little better today though!