Monday, November 24, 2008

9 months and two more teeth

Playing with his computer
Mr Serious
There's that smile
I promise I'm being good Mom!

Getting toys out of his toybox
Bucky beaver :)...looks like he has one tooth!!
...sacked out in mom & dad's bed

Chase celebrated his 9 month birthday last week!! Last week was not great, he was sick again with a runny nose and cough this time. He wasn't sleeping very good, so we propped him up on pillows in bed with us and he slept much better. He is finally getting over it and has felt much better the last couple of days, except he now has cut two more teeth on the bottom. They at least cut through pretty quick though.

Today was his 9 month check and he weighed 22lbs 13 ozs and was 29 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75th to 90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height and head a well proportioned boy! He actually weighed the same as he did when I had him in for a cold about 6 weeks ago, which Dr Rogers said was normal now that he is moving around a lot more and will probably gain at a slower pace for a while....good thing, he is outgrowing everything!! Oh well, gotta eat!! He got the go ahead for more table foods and soft meats, so it looks like he gets some Thanksgiving turkey!

He is babbling a lot these days, saying lots of dadadada but very few mamamamas...darn it! He is pulling up on everything, standing against furniture and even moving along the furniture very slowly. He does well getting himself back down to the ground too. He has to be whereever we are at all times and doesn't like being alone in a room for long. He likes to give you things when you ask for them and then he holds his hand out to get it back!! He will crawl over whatever is in front of him to get where he wants, including toys, the cat, mom & dad, etc.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Email alerts

If you previously got email alerts when I posted to the blog, but don't any need to sign up again at the right. I think when I changed templates, I deleted this service....Sorry!!

Such a little man

On the go!
Little man
How many pictures are you gonna take Mom?
Coming after the camera!
Chase is becoming quite the little these pictures show...doesn't he look like he could be 2 years old?? He is getting really good at crawling and he is out of your sight in a flash now. He is also getting up on his knees, pulling up on furniture and last night he stood up while holding onto the ottoman. This is happening just a little too fast for me...where did my little bitty baby go??

Not many pics this week...I worked most of the weekend with a MDA meeting and then had things to do on Sunday too...seems like it was just Friday. How time will be Christmas before you know it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Calling me out....

Gavin @ Ria's
Chase @ Ria's
Big boy in the tub
My little monkey
Jaime & Chase
Grandma Joan & Chase
Dad & Chase
I know, haven't been here in a while....just too busy. Chase was sick last week, so no really prime picture taking moments....unless you like snot and boogers...I know, that was bad!! Anyway, he is feeling better and seems to be coming around finally.
He is 37 weeks old, time really does fly...hard to believe he is about to hit the 9 month mark. He is really getting to be so active...he did his first true crawling on Halloween. He will take 4-5 "crawls" but when he flops on his belly, it is back to the army crawl or the worm...but he has got the concept down for sure!! We have to start putting the gate up all the time now, cause if you walk out of the room, he is gone in a flash and gets himself into some tight spaces. He is doing "patty cake" like a champ, waving bye every once in a while and picking up food and actually getting it to his mouth!! He loves to play with his toys and torture the cat, but Myth is being a good sport about it! He graduated to the big tub and seems to like it, especially with some new toys.
Yesterday, we went to dinner at Ria's for Great Grandma Stokes' birthday and then to Mom and Dad's for cake and ice cream afterwards. The boys had a good time entertaining everyone!