Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where did the summer go?

He loves getting in the storage ottoman at Granny's house and
wants you to put the lid on top of him!

Trying to be like dad on the laptop
Mr. Business Man

Hard to believe summer is almost over and school is ready to start next week around here. Seems like the last three months have flown by, but that is just how the days go now!

I know I say it every week, but Chase is just getting so smart...I know, all moms think this about their child, but he just amazes me everyday. For instance, last night, he was walking down the hallway, trying to read a book at the same time and about ran right into his gate. I said to him "you have to look up while your walking" and I turned around to notice him looking up at the ceiling. It amazed me because I just wonder how he know this stuff (and secondly, that he actually heard and did what I said!!). This morning, he was in bed with us and wanting to get "down", his new favorite word. Famous said "we have to change your clothes first and then you can get" and Chase finished his sentence by saying "down". His vocabulary just grows and grows and he says multiple syllable words like spongebob and watermelon and you know what he is saying. He recognizes pictures and calls them by name like apple, Elmo, cookie, bird. He just seems so young to know this stuff...maybe just to me...this is my first experience!

He loves to watch me cook in the kitchen and I basically have to put him on counter while I cook in order to get anything done. He likes to sample the food too! He is wanting to sit in regular chairs too and the other day he wanted to sit in the barstool in the kitchen. He sat and scribbled in his notepad for a while. Of course, as soon as I turn my back, he takes a dive to the floor. Luckily, I somewhat caught him and at least softened his fall to the floor. He cried for a few minutes, but I think he was scared more than he was hurt. He is a daredevil for sure and is diving and jumping into the beanbag, on the couch and in the bed. We got him a little tikes picnic table that he prefers to stand on top of, rather than sit at.

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