Hi to everyone who keeps up with this blog! I need to get back to posting every week again, I am going to make a real effort!
On Saturday, the MDA had our annual Day at the Game at Mizzou Homecoming. We had tailgating with beverages and a catered meal across from the Stadium and then to the game. It was a fun time, even though the game was a blow out. That pretty much took up most of the day and we were beat by the time we got home. Chase spent the afternoon and night with G&G Stokes. I think he wore them out, but good news is he took good naps and slept well for them through the night. They must have wore him out too, cause he took 2 - 2 hour naps yesterday! I had to wake him up last night from his evening nap.
The weekend before, we celebrated our first anniversary and went out to dinner with friends to Ria's. We had a good time and enjoyed the company and adult time out!
Other than that, not much else new going on. I love fall weekends, cause we like staying in and getting cozy in our pjs and just relaxing. That is what the weekends are about, right??