Saturday, Chase, Famous and I went to the pumpkin festival in Hartsburg with our friends Adam, Stephanie and their kiddos, Madeline and Harper. James and Jaime joined us for a while too. We had a great time and Chase really enjoyed the people watching. He did really good in the wagon too...he just wanted to be moving all the time, unless he was we had frequent snack breaks too!
Lots of crafts vendors and food and drink vendors too. Parking was crazy though and we almost thought about coming back on Sunday. We drove for at least 3 miles watching car after car on the gravel roads, waiting for the next open space. No way were we walking that far...we couldn't even see where we were walking too. Luckily, we drove on and happened upon another line of parking, probably from the people who got there earlier and found some spots opening up. We probably walked about 10 minutes from there. But well worth it. We all had a good time.
Chase is continuing with his learning new things. The latest is the sounds that animals make....he knows the sound for cat, dog, tiger, cow and sometimes monkey! He cooperates about half of the time when we request the sounds from him but I swear I will get it on tape soon! He is so cute too when he does them!
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