Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It can't be December already

I can't believe that it is December already! Feels like it was just Halloween. Well, the last time I posted it was...oops!!

Chase is just growing like a weed. He went from 37 1/2" to 39" from September to November. We started keeping track by measuring him on the wall in the bedroom and now he has to measure mommy and daddy too. I say it all the time, but he is so dang smart. He just amazes me with the stuff he picks up, memorizes and repeats. He is doing really well with his counting and naming his colors too. He loves to correct me when he thinks I say a word wrong. He says "no mama, not gatorade....it's gatorade" even though both times he says the word it sounds the same to me. But hey, he is the expert, right?? :)

He loves Thomas the Train right now...the trains, the books, the movies. It is just about all he talks about. He knows the songs and the shows by heart. He is too cute singing what he says is "my" Thomas songs.

He really is having fun with "ars and craps"....arts and crafts. We did some hand turkeys for Thanksgiving and he asks daily to do more. We have been trying to go to the library on a weekly basis lately and I have been picking up some books on easy crafts for kids, so he is having a great time.

Time to take down the fall decorations and bring on the Christmas stuff!!

My favorite stuff...my apothecary jars. I just love filling them with different stuff for each season (and placing them on my faux mantle :)

On to my Christmas decor....setting the stage with all the goodies I am working with!

Chase found his "first Christmas" stockings....guess he thought they were socks!! How cute is he?

Don't mind that mess in the background...when decorating with your son around, all bets are off!!
Chase wasn't feeling the best this year at Thanksgiving. I think he had a bug that had his appetite taking a nose dive, but after several days, I think he is finally coming around.

Chase and Aunt KK

Me and my boy
Four generations....Chase, Famous, Nana Joan & Aunt Kay, Great Grandma Ida

The boys at the Stokes Thanksgiving dinner. They are getting so big and grown up!!

This year, I decided to make Chase an Advent calendar. I saw this cute idea to use envelopes for each day. I didn't tell him about it and can't wait to surprise him with it tomorrow.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone. Back again! Hope Halloween was great for all the kiddos!!

Let's see, what have we been up to lately?? A couple of weeks ago we made our first trip to the pumpkin patch at Fischer Farms...as you can see below...we should have gone earlier. Not many pumpkins to choose from out in the fields, but we found a couple of them to take home.

Famous and I celebrated our anniversary on 18th with dinner at Gamma and Papaw's house with Great Grandma Stokes (aka Big Gamma by Chase!!) too. They fixed our favorites....ribs, cheesy potatoes, garlic bread, baked beans, cake, etc. Always too much to eat but oh, so good! Chase loved Papaw's ribs too, but not so much the sticky fingers!! Notice the pinky finger in the air...such class and only 2 years old!

A quick picture one morning....he just looks so grown up sometimes...can't even believe he is not even 3 years old yet! Here he is cheesin' for me!

We went to the MDA's Day at the Game again this year and what a game it was!! Mizzou beating the Sooners was great and the game was so exciting. I just love being at a game in person...so much fun. The tailgate was pretty good too. Awesome food and drinks!
We did our pumpkin carving too. Chase wanted nothing to do with it and just kept saying "eww, yucky, I not touch!". I guess we did a pretty good job with it though, at least Chase seemed impressed!!

Halloween this year went okay. Chase wanted to be a transformer but we couldn't find any costumes that were his size. Nana found the Thomas the Train costume that he seemed very excited about. He liked trying it on and checking himself out in the mirror and we thought we were good. Fast forward to Sunday night....he is throwing a fit about putting it on. Crying, running nose, doesn't want to be Thomas anymore. Being the good parents we are, we told him he had to wear it if he wanted to get any candy!! So he grudgingly put it on but still cried. Lucky for us we had to go through this ordeal several times because we had to take it off and on each time we went in the car because of his carseat...so that was a WHOLE lot of fun!!!
Crying at Nana's house!
His loot at Nana's house...trains, Cap'n Crunch, clothes...is he spoiled or what?
Family picture!
So, Halloween is over and as you can see, Chase is already making his Christmas list!!