Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our first try at organized sports!

So mister man started Start Smart Soccer with Parks and Rec in April.  It has been an experience...that is for sure.  While I think he enjoys it....the first weeks are drills which are pretty tedious.  And tedious is not something this boy does well.  To be fair, the majority of the other kids are just like him....he likes to act up, sit and lay on the ground and tell the other kids what to do!!  But at least it has been fun for us to watch!  First practice game is this week, so that should be a sight!!  Big props to Daddy for taking him each week....the parent works with the child one and one...so you can imagine how that goes :)

Actions shots :)

Time to rest

This is what goes on most of the time!

Just chillaxing :)


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