Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long weekend

This weekend was a long one.....Chase is still not up to par with his leg and foot and we just saw he is getting his two lower incisors, which could help to explain his crankiness too.

Saturday, we headed to the Lake and stopped by to see Jim, Beth, Gavin and Neil & Debbie at Lazy River. We planned to just head down for a road trip and quick stop at the outlets but Beth invited us to stop by for a while. Stayed and chatted for a while and then headed out. We definitely will have to plan to come down for the day soon! Made some quick stops at the outlet mall and then Coldstone Creamery....yum!

Sunday, we hung around the house, Chase took some really long naps and we knew he didn't feel great. He went to Lowe's with me for a little bit and then we headed back home. Then to G&G Stokes' for BBQ. Way to much to eat but it was delicious. We found out Chase likes porksteak too! He has been a rather picky eater at home and seems to only want chicken nuggets, hot dogs, PBJ and applesauce. I can sometimes sneak in some peas, but hopefully this is a passing phase!

Early Monday morning, we decided to take Chase back to the ER. He just kept tweaking his ankle over and over and it seemed to be really hurting him. I was worried that something else was injured or they missed something the first time. Turns out they didn't find anything else, just that he will have to work through the healing process. Kids do heal faster, but they don't know how to take it easy, they just want to play. So we will work through it and hopefully he will be feeling better soon.

Just a couple pictures Granny took this morning, as I never had my camera handy this weekend.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A weekend of firsts....

Playing with mama's sunglasses
Like Father, like son.....snoozing as we got into KS....love they way the both tilt their heads to the right!

Post trauma....goldfish and apple juice make everything better.

The only pics I got to prove we saw animals! Oh well!

Saturday morning we left early to head to Olathe to visit my high school friend Jill and her family. It was the first real long roadtrip (with the exception of going to Branson when Chase was just 4 months old) and I wasn't sure how he would handle it. My hopes of him taking a long morning nap were not to be, as he feel asleep about 20 minutes away from Jill's house. Darn it!

We got to Jills and got the kiddos situated and then headed out to the Deanna Rose Farmstead. Check out http://www.opkansas.org/_Vis/Farmstead/. It is a really neat place where kids can get up close and feed the animals, bottle feed goats, etc. Chase was probably a little young, but seemed to like it anyway, so it was his first zoo-like experience!
They also had a huge playground where all the kids wanted to be. We went to take our first ride down a curvy slide and as I twisted one way, I think Chase went the other way. At some point, he got his foot caught and got hurt. And he was crying hard, not his usual cry and whimper when he bangs his head, etc. I knew he was hurt and he would not stand on his foot or that leg. Once he calmed down, he seemed to be okay....we felt around on his leg, nothing seemed to hurt him or make him cry, but he still could not stand without crying. After some lunch, we headed our separate ways to let the boys nap for a while and I called the nurses line and they determined we should take him to the ER. So, his first trip to the ER was Saturday. They took lots of xrays and determined they couldn't find anything wrong and that he had badly bruised his foot. So they wrapped his foot and gave him some Tylenol and headed back to the hotel. Poor little guy, he wanted to stand but he legs just gave way when he tried. I felt so bad for him. He crawled around like a champ but couldn't put weight on it. After a long night, we headed home around 7am. He slept for an hour and a half and we had to wake him when we got home, he was a pooped little puppy!

Yesterday, he was standing but not taking steps and this afternoon, he seems to be taking a few steps here and there at the sitters. Hopefully we are moving in the right direction and he is quickly on the mend. I am just thankful that nothing worse happened....I couldn't even imagine if he had broken it.

Needless to say, we should have gotten Chase a shirt that said "My mom and dad took me all the way to Kansas and all I got was a trip to the ER".

Cruising with Grampa

A few pictures of Chase on the John Deere with Grampa. Last year he liked riding, earlier this year he was afraid to get near it and now he likes to ride it again....kids!

Friday, May 15, 2009


This morning on the way to Jeanne's
Last night in the tub...he is into splashing recently and the whole bathroom gets wet!

Daddy and Chase taking the mower for a spin
Playing in the rocks, trying to avoid going inside!

Hello everyone. Yah, I know, I am late posting pictures. That's because Chase was sick from Wed pm to Sun and my allergies hit me hard on Mother's Day, so we didn't take any pictures. But I took a few last night and this morning to post.

What's new with us?? Chase is feeling better, but ran a fever Wed night through Friday afternoon. We think it was viral because it did basically run it's course. The doctors didn't want to see us...I guess he knows his stuff. But he was not himself at all.....all he wanted to do was cuddle and lay on us.....which was just fine with me. He doesn't do that much anymore! But I am glad he is feeling better.

Mother's Day was nice despite my allergies. Famous got me a Cricut Jukebox (what?? I know, no one probably knows what this is! You hook it up to a Cricut die cutting machine and it holds 6 cartridges at once so you don't have to keep changing them out....I know, you are still like, what??) :) Chase got me a cute recordable card in which Famous spent lots of time getting him to say 'mama' at just the right time! I also got lots of other lovely cards and texts and FB posts wishing me a Happy Mother's Day, so thank you all (and sorry I didn't reply)!

Over the weekend, Famous got his Father's Day (and several other holidays!) present early. Mom and Dad helped find a riding mower for him (since I know nothing about them)! It was supposed to be a surprise, but of course, I was badgered until I just gave in! He loves it regardless. Got a few pics last night outside and so far, Chase likes to ride the mower with him.

We are heading to KC this weekend to visit friends Jill and Keith Smith and their kiddos. Camden was born 9 days after Chase, so I am anxious to get the boys together. Hope to take lots of pics!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Look at that smile

Just a quick post. Granny Stokes took some cute pics of Chase last night. I was getting huge smiles and giggles out of him by telling him I was going to get him!

Look at all those teeth!

Monday, May 4, 2009

And the mischief begins....

Tables at the shower
Gift table
He barricaded himself in with toys...I don't think he has enough, do you??
Don't they look innocent.....don't be fooled!

Saturday, Chase decided his hot wheels need a car wash and so he threw 2 cars down the toilet as Famous flushed it....and all was fine until Sunday, when the toilet wouldn't flush anymore. So in addition to Grampa spending 3 hours at our house on Saturday installing a new exhaust fan and light over the tub in the bathroom and running a water line for our new fridge, he had to come back on Sunday to pull the toilet and find the menacing car! Not a pleasant job for him and Famous, but Mom and I got some good laughs in! Is this how it all begins?? Should I be worried??
Other than that excitement this weekend, I worked Saturday (hopefully my last) at the salon and we all went out to Jim and Beth's for some BBQ and playtime. The boys were in rare form (at least Chase was!) but they had fun. We took them on a relaxing (not) wagon ride and it took us what seemed like an hour to walk 1/2 a block!! Chase wanted Gavin's cup, then he wanted out of the wagon, then he wanted to push the wagon, then he wanted in the wagon again, but wanted to stand up. Then Gavin wanted out and wanted to check all the mailboxes.....Beth and I both wondered what we would do if we had two of them....it was exhausting! But they were too cute!

Sunday, was our bridal shower for Stephanie Pace (soon to be Stokes), Andrew's fiance. It turned out really pretty and I think everyone had a really nice time. The boys came for part of the shower and they were all over the place. I can already see the boys plotting and planning for mischievious times ahead.