This weekend was a long one.....Chase is still not up to par with his leg and foot and we just saw he is getting his two lower incisors, which could help to explain his crankiness too.
Saturday, we headed to the Lake and stopped by to see Jim, Beth, Gavin and Neil & Debbie at Lazy River. We planned to just head down for a road trip and quick stop at the outlets but Beth invited us to stop by for a while. Stayed and chatted for a while and then headed out. We definitely will have to plan to come down for the day soon! Made some quick stops at the outlet mall and then Coldstone Creamery....yum!
Sunday, we hung around the house, Chase took some really long naps and we knew he didn't feel great. He went to Lowe's with me for a little bit and then we headed back home. Then to G&G Stokes' for BBQ. Way to much to eat but it was delicious. We found out Chase likes porksteak too! He has been a rather picky eater at home and seems to only want chicken nuggets, hot dogs, PBJ and applesauce. I can sometimes sneak in some peas, but hopefully this is a passing phase!
Early Monday morning, we decided to take Chase back to the ER. He just kept tweaking his ankle over and over and it seemed to be really hurting him. I was worried that something else was injured or they missed something the first time. Turns out they didn't find anything else, just that he will have to work through the healing process. Kids do heal faster, but they don't know how to take it easy, they just want to play. So we will work through it and hopefully he will be feeling better soon.
Just a couple pictures Granny took this morning, as I never had my camera handy this weekend.